In classic Oriental, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, all disease is seen as disordered elements. Restoring balance to the five (5) elements and the harmonious flow of Chi is at the heart of Chinese medicine.
Find out essential oils to use and how to use them to balance the 5 elements and to restore the flow of chi through the organ meridians.
What you will learn:
"Highly recommend to all who are interested in holistic curing and the way aromatherapy can be applied as an effective Mind Body technique."
-John L. Turner, MD, Neurosurgeon, author, "Medicine, Miracles & Manifestations"
"I highly recommend anyone interested in aromatherapy and holistic healing to check out KG Stiles' books. Her information goes way beyond most other authorities."
-Steven Farmer, Ph.D. Best-selling author, "Animal Spirit Guides"
"KG Stiles' books and courses are written from years of experience and investigation. Highly recommended!"
-Jonathan Goldman, best-selling author and Grammy nominee, 'Healing Sounds.'
About KG Stiles
With more than four decades of experience as a holistic health practitioner, KG Stiles has helped tens of thousands of people to overcome health challenges and realize their dreams. She is the best-selling author of the award-winning book, The Essential Oils Complete Reference Guide: Over 250 Recipes for Natural Wholesome Aromatherapy, now in its 5th printing, and winner of a Living Now Gold Medal and Nautilus and Indie Next Generation book awards. She is the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) Oregon (South) Director.