A world under siege...
Loyalties divided...
And deception...
Kara Howard's arrival on Zaratan is shadowed by Joffray violence. With the planet under siege, her loyalties to her new home will be tested. If the terrorists were not enough of a challenge to her allegiance to her guardian - her discovery of a new faction further complicates the situation.
The Pure Bloods have claimed Kara as one of their own. They are determined to end the practice of bringing children from other worlds to Zaratan. If Kara's life wasn't complicated enough, her feelings for Matt Sparks is tested with her growing attraction for Jim, an alien boy she met on the journey from Earth.
Kara must make a life-changing decision when the Joffray offer her an opportunity to be reunited with her family. Will she take it? If she does, how can she be sure it isn't a deception.