In today's world, we are surrounded by distractions, adversities, and tribulations, all of which attempt to steer us away from God's intended path for us. This book will help you to discover why you were put on this Earth and to discern God's purpose for your life.
The book CHOSEN TO BE A DISCIPLE will reveal why and how to become a disciple so that the Holy Spirit can unlock your full potential as a child of God and you will be able to live a joyful life, even in these difficult times.
Megatrends and disruptive innovations will continue to change and reshape our world at an unprecedented pace. Still, you must never forget that God has a purpose for you: He wants you to become a disciple, which is Jesus' last will for you (Mat. 28:19 NKJV).
Now more than ever, it is critical for you to focus on that which remains constant: God's purpose for your life-to be a disciple. This is God's way of restoring His image in you.
In this book, Robert J. Charles, Ph.D., DMin, draws on his 30+ years of experience in ministry to take you on a unique spiritual journey, through which you will find the answer to the real purpose of your life on this Earth.
CHOSEN TO BE A DISCIPLE will allow you to:
"In this book, Dr. Robert J. Charles shares his heart as a disciple. His clear Biblical understanding of the calling plus the very practical applications to a life of discipleship make this book a must-read."
Jose Cortes Jr., Associate Ministerial Director of Evangelism (NAD)
"Dr. Charles skillfully investigates the substance of discipleship... Chosen to Be a Disciple should be in the library of anyone who desires to excel in the mission of making disciples."
Dr. Pierre E. Omeler, Executive Secretary, Atlantic Union
"I admire the courage and character of the author in addressing a most relevant, practical, and necessary issue, that of discipleship. I strongly recommend this book to all pastors, leaders, officers, and members. It is not a replication of other books on discipleship, but a fresh look at a pertinent subject with clarity and honesty. Most of all, the conclusions drawn and the implications given are based on Biblical principles."
Dr. Alanzo Smith, Executive Secretary, Greater New York Conference
"Dr. Charles has undoubtedly hit the mark, and it was not revealed by blood or flesh... Let us receive this bread from heaven with gratitude and thanksgiving."
Manuel A. Rosario, Ph.D., Greater New York Conference
"Chosen to Be a Disciple will prove to be insightful and relevant to the times. The contents are transcultural. Hence, pastors can use it as an additional resource for discipleship training with their congregation."
Ainsworth E. Joseph, Ph.D., DMin., Northeastern Conference
Dr. Charles invites you to read this book in a spirit of prayer so that the Holy Spirit can reveal to you the truth found within these pages. As you take in these deep spiritual truths, they will help you to become a disciple and therefore to take action and live as a true disciple of Jesus in your community and in the world.
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