Hannah Orwell has returned to her hometown to take a new job as the host of a local morning show. Her childhood nemesis, Cameron Miller, has remained in Cool Springs all these years and is now the town's head middle school football coach. Hannah and Cameron's longtime pastor's wife, Maureen (who is well known for her matchmaking), has asked Hannah and Cameron to both help her with this year's children's Christmas play.
"Cameron Miller. Of all people. The boy who pulled her braids and made her cry in kindergarten. The boy who competed with her over who could answer the most Bible Quiz questions in Sunday School every Sunday. The boy who intentionally started a club with the same initials as the club she had started in middle school, just to get under her skin. And how could she forget the horrible words he said in seventh grade. She could never forgive him. Cameron Stinking Miller."
"Hannah Orwell. Of all the people. Was this some sort of alternate dimension or Twilight Zone-type thing? How was it possible that the girl who had bugged him to death for years was not only back in town, but here in his truck, and she looked so drop-dead gorgeous?"
Will Hannah and Cameron be able to forgive and forget, or are they doomed to repeat the patterns of their past? Christmas with Cameron Stinking Miller reminds readers that we do not earn or deserve God's forgiveness in our lives, but that it is a free gift for us to simply receive, and that forgiving others is often the key to being able to forgive ourselves.