There are 16 sections focussing on different aspects of safety, from the journey to school, to being in the sun, to interacting with others.
Activities for younger pupils appear on the left hand pages of the book with more challenging tasks for older children on the right. This layout has proven to be very popular with teachers who are looking for ways to offer Circle Time activities differentiated for children of different ages and social competencies.
Each section includes full instructions for:
" Circle Time
" Draw and Talk (younger pupils)
" Draw and Write (older pupils)
" Two pages of developmental activities
" A final page on reflect and remember.
This is a beautifully illustrated book full of brilliant activities that will engage children and promote their learning about safety.
Margaret Collins is a former headteacher of an infant and first school. She is now Visiting Fellow in the School of Education at the University of Southampton. She researches children′s perceptions of health education topics, writes and co-writes teaching materials for children, books and articles on personal, social, health and citizenship education (PSHCE).