Unconvincing disguises, reverse stripteases, and an uncooperative feline...
Itching to start over, Cleo Ward is preparing to leave her bad choices and troubled past behind. A temporary gig cat-sitting will benefit her relocation fund. All she has to do is blend in with her aunt's retirement community.
Easier said than done when Daniel "Web" Webster, the sexy property manager shows up...
Nothing gets by Web, especially an intriguing too-young-to-be-a-resident female masquerading as a senior citizen. But since it's for a noble cause, he might be able to overlook Cleo's rule-breaking for a favor—or two.
But what happens when Cleo becomes more entangled with Web than she intended? Does she even want to escape the invisible threads he's woven around her?
Warning: Contains frequent retirement community violations and unauthorized use of adult diapers.