As carbon dioxide is the most important source of greenhouse gases today, its emission quantity has become a primary focus of governments, scholars, and the general public. From the perspective of the structure of Chinese industry, this two-volume set aims to answer two questions. First, what is the driving force of China's CO2 emissions and how does this relate to the structure of industry? Second, what is the potential for abatement and the cost of CO2 across sectors and regions, and the impact for industry?
The author calculates the CO2 inventory data at province and sectoral level based on the approach of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and then quantifies the CO2 abatement potential and marginal abatement cost using this production framework. Econometric models are used to examine the likely impact on industry of abatement potential and cost.
The set hence provides a rich source of information for general readers to better understand the characteristics, patterns and drivers of China's CO2 emissions. It also provides solid evidence for policy-makers to help mitigate CO2 emissions through industrial restructuring strategy.