Modern computing is no longer about devices but is all about providing services, a natural progression that both consumers and enterprises are eager to embrace. As it can deliver those services, efficiently and with quality, at compelling price levels, cloud computing is with us to stay. Ubiquitously and quite definitively, cloud computing is answering the demand for sophisticated, flexible services
Cloud Computing: Technologies and Strategies of the Ubiquitous Data Center looks at cloud computing from an IT manager's perspective. It answers basic as well as strategic questions from both a business and a technical perspective so that you can confidently engage both IT and financial assets in making your organization techno- savvy, efficient, and competitive.
Any answers about the future of computing are definitely in the cloud
The first section of the book offers up a history of the computing roots that have evolved into cloud computing. It looks at how IT has been traditionally serving needs and how cloud computing improves and expands on these services, so you can strategize about how a cloud might provide solutions to specific IT questions or answer business needs.
Next, the book shows how to begin the process of determining which organizational needs would best be served and improved by cloud computing. Presenting specific cases as examples, the book walks you through issues that your organization might likely encounter. Written clearly and succinctly, it --