One of the strong vital signs of the assembly today is the prevalence of lay persons exercising ministerial roles within it. Such welcome developments as promoting liturgical life within our communities through an adequate formation of ministers and of all the faithful has helped make the liturgy the people's work once again. In Come to the Feast, Michael Kwatera, OSB, celebrates and affirms the valuable, necessary ministry of lay persons in the liturgy.
As an introduction to liturgical ministry or as a means of renewal in such ministry, Come to the Feast offers reflections on why liturgical ministry is important, and comments on the spirit and attitudes that can best shape such ministry. A selection of meditations and prayers drawn from various Christian traditions is included. These texts may be used for personal, prayerful preparation before liturgy.
Chapters are The Church Door Speaks, Come to the Feast! An Invitation for Guests and Servants, Changing Water into Wine, Making the Liturgical Ministry Quilt, The Waiting Lord, In Company with Angels and Archangels . . . ., Hospitality's Bed, Table, Chair and Lamp: God Really Loves to Have Us, Chosen Race, Royal Priesthood, Holy People: A Place for Us, We Have Seen the Lord! and Lift Up Your Hearts: Meditations and Prayers.