Comedy is a fundamental part of the human experience. Collecting the work of today's leading scholars, Maurice Charney presents 40 essays on the many forms that comedy has taken throughout history. Ranging from the comic plays of ancient times to Renaissance and Restoration comedies, from Commedia dell'Arte to stand-up performers, from trickster tales to television sitcoms, these surveys trace the evolution of the comic genre. Chapters on geographically based traditions (American regional humor, Irish comedy, Spanish comedy, etc.) contribute a multicultural understanding, while essays on such topics as Irony, Satire, and the Comedy of Philosophy examine the theoretical aspects of comedy. A glossary for important figures and terms will be of added value to readers of this wonderfully eclectic collection.
Comedy is a fundamental part of the human experience. Collecting the work of today's leading scholars, Maurice Charney presents 40 essays on the many forms that comedy has taken throughout history. Ranging from the comic plays of ancient times to Renaissance and Restoration comedies, from Commedia dell'Arte to stand-up performers, from trickster tales to television sitcoms, these surveys trace the evolution of the comic genre. Chapters on geographically based traditions (American regional humor, Irish comedy, Spanish comedy, etc.) contribute a multicultural understanding, while essays on such topics as Irony, Satire, and the Comedy of Philosophy examine the theoretical aspects of comedy. A glossary for important figures and terms adds even more to this wonderfully eclectic collection.
Editor Maurice Charney brings his lifetime of scholarship on comedy and drama to these volumes, which collect new essays from today's leading scholars on the subject of comedy in its many forms.