Will Common Core switch my focus from students to standards?
Will it make my best units obsolete?
Will my students be able to meet its ambitious aims?
Cheryl Dobbertin's Common Core, Unit by Unit answers these concerns and many more. It lays out in black and white how to plan instruction that addresses Common Core reading while opening the door for every student to get noticed--every day.
"You may be wrestling with the idea of working even harder than you already do," Cheryl writes. "Fortunately, the real change will come not through harder work, but through smarter work." With tools and templates, exemplar units, and explicit action steps that focus and simplify planning in any content area, she walks you through:
Don't sacrifice your own agency, students' needs, or what you know about good teaching. Instead, trust Common Core, Unit by Unit to guide the planning of rich, meaningful instruction. Because meeting the standards doesn't have to distract you from transforming readers' lives.
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