How do you keep calm under pressure?
When everyone else is losing their cool, it is centered leaders that stay the course and find a way through.
But how do we become such a wise and compassionate leader?
Through reflection, focused exercises, and storytelling, Zoë Routh's Composure invites you to explore your own quest to become a centered leader.
Drawing upon insights from experienced leaders, you are guided through your own leadership journey. Composure helps you frame and focus your personal quest, develop an understanding of your key leadership challenges, learn to live in courage and faith, and to develop your unique leadership presence.
'Never has there been a greater need for this book. Through her practical concepts and strategies the path to centered leadership is well lit. Thanks for sharing this profound work with the world!' - Anneli Blundell, Author
'If you are feeling overwhelmed, stuck, embattled, or stressed as a leader, this book may be just what you need to reframe your approach.' - Patricia McMillan, Author
'You can't read Zoe's new book without a few moments where you think 'did that really just happen'? From fighting cancer, to tragedy at a fun run, Zoe writes about confronting the dragon we all face. Whether you're guiding yourself, your team or your organisation this book is full of practical examples and exercises to help you develop your unique leadership presence.' -Andrew Pratley, Professor