To the Catholic who's seeking how to truly abandon themselves to the will of God
If I offered to show you how to abandon yourself to the will of God...
...more in one month than most people do in years...
...without changing your daily routine...
...using a little-known, easy, and Church-approved method...
...would you take me up on that offer?
Here's what St. Louis-Marie de Montfort said about the method which this book shows you how to abandon yourself to the will of God...
"By this practice, faithfully observed, you will give Jesus more glory in a month than by any other practice, however difficult, in many years" ("True Devotion to Mary", #222).
Now, it's impossible to give Jesus more glory in a month than most people do in years without abandoning yourself more to His will at the same time.
The reason St. Louis spoke with such conviction and without the slightest hesitation is because God revealed this devotion directly to him. Here's St. Louis again...
"Predestinate soul, here is a secret the Most High has taught me, which I have not been able to find in any book, old or new. I confide it to you, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit" ("The Secret of Mary", #1).
And since he says "the essential of this devotion consists in the interior which it ought to form" (True Devotion, #119), and not in exterior practices, he could also promise that you can abandon yourself to the will of God...
"...without scarcely doing anything by what we are obliged to do by our state of life" (True Devotion, #171).
In other words, without changing your daily routine.
So you can see why Pope St. John Paul II told the Montfort Fathers this devotion "was a decisive turning-point in my life...This "perfect devotion" is indispensable to anyone who means to give himself without reserve to Christ and to the work of redemption."
This book helps you abandon yourself to the will of God by spelling out for you the whats, whys, and hows of St. Louis' consecration to Mary.
It's also two-books-in-one. The second book is "Why Consecrate Myself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?"
When you practice this devotion to Mary, St. Louis promises you...
"The third good which Our Lady does to her servants is that she conducts and directs them according to the will of her Son" (True Devotion, #209).
That means you will truly abandon yourself to the will of God, because Jesus said, "I always do the things that please Him" (Jn. 8:29).
Letting Mary lead you according to the will of her Son is also a pledge of eternal life, because Jesus emphasized...
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord, ' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Mt. 7:21).
Here's another way St. Louis described this devotion...
It is a short road, which leads us to Jesus in a little time" (True Devotion, #168).
Mary teaches us not to look backward once the road is decided upon.
She does not beat around the bush. She does not take winding detours. She follows a straight line to the objective: union with her Son.
That's why St. Louis emphasized...
"She unites them to Him with a most intimate union, and she keeps them unshaken in that union" (True Devotion, #211).
And so, the devotion to Mary which this book spells out is not for tire-kickers or the non-committal.
It's for the Catholic who's ready to let Mary help you abandon yourself to the will of God as quickly as she did when she said to St. Gabriel...
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to thy word" (Lk. 1:38).
Mary knows there's nothing that will ever satisfy you like a life totally abandoned to God's will.
So don't delay and miss out, because Our Lady's waiting to give you a new and better chapter in life.
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