Having shown you how to recognize a healthy organization, the author uncovers the power of 'boss behavior.' Most of us remember our best boss ever, a person who created a work environment that enabled us to perform at our best while being incredibly satisfied with our boss, team, and work. Chris describes how great bosses behave to ensure that organizational culture standards are maintained and reinforced each day.
Just as culture change is hard for individuals, it is difficult for organizations. It takes discipline and effort to focus on culture management day in and day out. Which is why Chris also engages us on accountability behaviors and actions that ensure that the desired organizational culture is embedded and acted upon.
Written in the actionable tweet format and demonstrating the value that can be delivered in small packages, #CORPORATE CULTURE tweet Book01 will find a home on every progressive corporate leader's bookshelf.
#CORPORATE CULTURE tweet Book01 is part of the THiNKaha series whose 112-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).