In the heart of a dark world where covens are bound by secrets and sacrifices, ten witches confront their pasts, powers, and perilous destinies. As ancient oaths and deadly curses take hold, each must choose between their coven's survival and the risks of wielding magic that could consume them. From shadowy realms and ancestral legacies to forbidden romances and confrontations with vengeful hunters, these witches' intertwined tales unfold with gripping suspense and harrowing choices.
Bound by blood and magic, they face haunting truths that challenge their strength and loyalty. They are not merely friends but a family of supernatural kin, haunted by echoes of betrayal, love, and vengeance. Will they sacrifice everything to protect one another, or will the shadows of their past unravel their fates?
Dive into Coven, a spellbinding anthology of interwoven stories that takes you deep into the dark, fierce world of witches who must confront their inner and outer demons to survive.