Do you Want to Save Money, but Don't Know Where to Start? Is Diving Into the World of Coupons Too Time Consuming for You? In
Create Your Own Money-Saving Adventure, you get to pick what YOU want to learn. Not ready to dive into the world of coupons? That's ok! You can learn about Price Matching, getting out of debt, raising your credit score or saving money on travel. At the end of each chapter, your choices will start to make you a money-saving master. You will get to pick and choose different adventures depending on your lifestyle, time and personal money goals. It's the Ultimate Money-Saving Guide for everyone!
You can even re-read the book and pick different adventures each time. It's like reading a whole new book!
With the information in this book and the free website,, you will learn how to S-T-R-E-T-C-H your dollar like never before!