As a follow-up to Towards a Just Curriculum Theory and Curriculum Epistemicide , this
volume illuminates the challenges and contradictions which have prevented
critical curriculum theory from establishing itself as an alternative to dominant
Western Eurocentric epistemologies.
Curriculum and the Generation of Utopia
re-visits the work of leading progressivetheorists and draws on a complex range of epistemological perspectives from the
Middle East, Africa, Southern Europe, and Latin America. Paraskeva illustrates
how counter-dominant narratives have been suppressed by neoliberal dynamics
through an exploration of key issues including: itinerant curriculum theory,
globalization and internationalization, as well as utopianism. Foregrounding
critical curriculum theory as a vector of de-colonization and de-centralization,
the text puts forth Itinerant Curriculum Theory (ITC) as an alternative form
of anti-colonial, theoretical engagement.
This work forms an important addition to the literature surrounding critical
curriculum theory. It will be of interest to post-graduate scholars, researchers
and academics in the fields of curriculum studies, curriculum theory, and
critical educational research.