If GOD has abandoned you...
If your life just does not make sense...
If you have an un-satisfied soul calling...
You need Answers. You need Healing!!
You have taken the metaphoric "RED" pill; this will lead you down the rabbit hole into darkness first and then to Light. Your Journey in the darkness or your suffering process is your "Dark Night of the Soul".
Most of the great beings in our history who have a positive legacy have a story of suffering behind them, this included Christ, Buddha, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Oprah, Superman, and many others. This suffering process re-defines a person, re-makes one character, chips away the darkness to bring out the luster of your Diamond self. This is your Soul METAMORPHOSIS
"Diamond is a piece of coal that had been subjected to extreme pressure and temperature"
The Dark Night of the Soul explores:
"The Soul is placed in a body like a rough diamond, and must be polished; or the luster will never appear" - Daniel Defoe
Your Answers and Healing awaits.
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