☆☆☆ Are you allowing people to make you do things you don't want to do?☆☆☆
Are you misjudging people, or trusting people who don't deserve it at all, with disastrous results in relationships?
Do you want to learn the psychology behind manipulation? If yes, then keep reading...
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Everyone in the world has likely used manipulation at some point in their lives. This could have been through telling the most straightforward lies to get out of situations or by flirting with others to get what you want. In understanding the techniques used by manipulators in their work, you need to ask yourself the following question:
Who is at threat from a manipulator? To regulate their victims, the pullers of the strings (manipulators) use several tactics, but most importantly, they do this by targeting specific kinds of personalities. You are more likely to be a victim of manipulation if you have low self- esteem, if you are inexperienced, pleased easily, if you are not confident about yourself and if you lack assertive instincts.
What are the requirements for successful manipulation? Primarily, successful manipulation encompasses a manipulator. Manipulation is also likely to be achieved through covert hostile methods. For successful persuasion, a manipulator has to:
- Cover their violent purposes, deeds, and be friendly.
- Be aware of the psychological susceptibilities of the targeted person so as to conclude which strategies are likely to be the most effective.
- Have an adequate level of callousness to have no doubts about triggering injury to the victim if necessary.
This book covers the following topics:
...And much more
There are common types of manipulators out there and you might be able to sense this personality trait in another person right away. Similarly, you will also recognize that there are hidden qualities that won't always emerge at first.
To recognize that not all manipulative behaviors presented by an individual indicate that she is a malicious person. Having manipulative parents or long-term partners can rub off on our behavior, so we might sometimes say and do things that aren't meant to be manipulative but can come off that way. Always look at intention when determining if someone is really being manipulative or not.
At the end of the day, manipulation is generally a way for a person to get the things that they desire most. We all have basic human needs and instincts that drive our behavior. If we are not careful with how we go about getting these things, we can hurt others. The more equipped we are with the skills needed for positive influence, the easier it will be to achieve our deepest desires in a healthy way that benefits many.
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