The future has gone to hell. Man has sculpted for himself a cannibalistic society made of bone and fire. Most horrifyingly of all, they call this Stygian world a utopia.
Stroink, a robotics engineer and aspirant doyen, can only find meaning in life by topping his predecessors. He must build an even more luxurious civilization, bone by bone, or at least fool its denizens by making robots as sentient and miserable as possible. Hartling, his rival utopianist developer, delights in the torment of Stroink’s failings because physical torture just won’t cut it anymore. Ecstasy awaits as Hartling’s upcoming avant-garde experiment promises to crush every moment of bliss ever achieved. Assigned to a life of one-upmanship, the rivalrous duo compete in the ultimate quest for mass comfort through torture, eternal prestige through humiliation, and mad enlightenment through a million steps in pitch darkness.
Get “Days of Discomfort” now and jump past the finish line of hell’s creation.