When attorney's Dalton Emberling and Elyse Young spar across the aisle of the court room sparks fly. Elyse admires the handsome attorney but is aghast at the information Mr. Emberling's Investigation firm reveals regarding her client. Why didn't her client tell her any of this?
Dalton and his younger brother Austin raised themselves up by their bootstraps, without parental guidance but both attain law degrees and they cater to Austin's biggest interest in investigations by starting D&A Investigations.
So, when Elyse' best friend, Jolene, goes missing and the police don't respond to a missing person report she convinces Dalton, with the help of his investigation company, to help find her. But what they find explains why they don't have time to investigate a missing person.
Where could Jolene be? Has she been moved out of the city? Is she at the marina where the police have sealed off? Or is she being held there on a boat? Waiting to be sold into sex slavery?