Free throws and lay-ups win games but the 3-point shot is the great equalizer. Since the shot's introduction to the game in the 1980's, the 3-point shot has allowed the skilled but smaller player once again to become a factor in the outcome of the game. Fans love it! Players love it! Some coaches not only love it but have so embraced the 3-point shot it is what their offense is built around.
Every team will face a program with either one great 3-point shooter or relies on the 3-point shot for the bulk of its offense as the team's offense is built around the 3-point shot. For this reason every team needs to have in its defensive arsenal a range of tactics designed to defeat and frustrate both the great 3-point shooter and the great 3-point offensive team.
Illustrated with both photographs and diagrams, the 15 tactics in this book can be successfully integrated into most team defenses. The author, Coach Kevin Sivils, has used all 15 of these tactics to win over 470 games in his career as a head coach.