The first book in an epic Fantasy Romance/Adventure series: The Fifth Realm, where Kings reigned for a thousand years and the Empyrean had guarded all Royal Houses since his victory in the War of the Realms twelve thousand years before.
Hidden for survival
Stohrm Vellis was three when she was hidden in the Human Realm and thus had no knowledge of the Realm in which she was born-the Royal House of Hoarfrost-one of five Houses within the Fifth Realm. At the age of nineteen, she was about to discover the origins of myths and legends.
Secrets and Lies
The King of Hoarfrost was planning to reign for another century, only now, aware that his granddaughter lived. He would do anything to keep her from claiming the crown that was rightfully hers as the chosen.
For dark and dangerous reasons, the King of Nightfall wanted Stohrm in his Royal House. Orders were issued to the General of the Kings Ayr Guard: locate and return with the Princess.
Hunt and Destroy
They sought not only her death, but also gladius exitium-sword of destruction--which could only be wielded by the Princess. Interitus was created centuries ago by a Japanese Samurai warrior who became trapped within the Fifth Realm.
Friendship, jealousy, heartache, love & treachery explode from the pages of this fantasy adventure.