A newly updated, user-friendly resource for occupational therapy assistant students and new practitioners, Developing Clinical Competence: A Workbook for the OTA, Second Edition assists readers in developing practical problem-solving and "'real-life"' skills essential for fieldwork and clinical practice. Maintaining the easy-to-read workbook format from the First Edition, this book is filled with learning activities, worksheets, and detailed answer explanations, as well as expanded chapter content and revised references.
Marie J. Morreale breaks down competencies into step-by-step units to allow for independent study. With multiple choice, matching, true/false, and fill-in-the-blanks questions; case studies; vignettes; and experiential activities, this Second Edition presents helpful tips in their most useful format. Guiding the reader through occupational therapy clinical decision making, professional conduct, and meeting standards of care for various practice areas, each chapter is fully independent and can be read in the order most conducive to the reader's individual learning needs. This text can help readers measure attainment of knowledge and skills when preparing for fieldwork, the national certification exam, or transitioning to entry-level practice. New for the Second Edition:Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom.
Addressing fundamental areas of occupational therapy practice for a wide variety of conditions, situations, and practice settings, Developing Clinical Competence: A Workbook for the OTA, Second Edition includes helpful hints and practical clinical tips to help the OTA implement appropriate interventions and communicate more effectively.