This dictionary contains approximately 16,000 computer and Internet terms in English and Indonesian. You will find that many of the terms are the same in both languages (cognates) as many of the more recent terms have been assimilated into Indonesian from English.This dictionary is derived from our Words R Us system, a derivative of WordNet. English Wordnet, originally created by Princeton University is a lexical database for the English language. It groups words in English into sets of synonyms called synsets, provides brief definitions and usage examples, and records a series of relationships between these sets of synonyms. WordNet can be viewed as both a combination of dictionary and thesaurus.
Some of the terms incorporated in this dictionary are excerpted from the Microsoft Glossary of Computer Terms in Indonesian. A copy of their distribution license is available at https: //
This dictionary will be indispensable for any international company doing business in Indonesia. We also publish an companion volume with definitions of the terms in English. Check our website for availability.