Crypto-currencies aren't without their share of controversies. These virtual currencies have created a revolution in both the economic and the financial front.
Whether the founders of the crypto-currencies--such as Satoshi Nakamoto (Bitcoin), Charles Lee (Litecoin), Paul Snow (Factom), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), and many others--have profited from their product is not known.
But their efforts have certainly contributed a digital revolution in the form of a radical new currency--the virtual currency--that, once all the loopholes are plugged, can one day replace the paper and plastic currencies as they had replaced gold as a mode of payment in the past.
The introduction of the digital currencies has brought forth a whole new set of regulations, technical jargons, and standard practices. In the e-book Digital Currencies: Unlocking the Secrets of the Crypto-Currencies, you will uncover the secrets of the virtual currency including:
--history and evolution of crypto-currency,
--the next generation of digital currencies,
--technology that powers the digital currency,
--big data and the network effect,
--the market equilibrium and the baseline mode,
--legal and tax issues regarding virtual currency, and much more.
So are you ready to get in-depth knowledge about the crypto-currency revolution? Let's delve in to find out more.