Training your Dog in the house is a challenging and vital job to do. As an owner of the Dog, you have so much responsibility, especially when you need to set various rules for daily life and develop a good relationship. Your treatment with your Dog is like you treat your child, as your relationship with your Dog is more varied and intense than any other living species.
To develop better habits and essential skills in your Dog, you need to work hard and manage your training pieces wisely. Think that what would be your Dog's timing to "Pee" and "Poop," and how he behaves inside the house, and what should be its manners outside the door or what train them not to get out unnecessarily. While teaching them, you need to consider a suitable place, timing, eating orders. As an owner, you also need to dedicate the Phrase to do things at the right time and in an appropriate place. During your training session, you also need to develop a sense of reward and punishment and get distracted from other things. The Phrase you select will play an essential role in understanding the owner's commands.