Save tons of money with the secrets to avoiding income taxes
Could it be possible to run your business without paying federaland state income tax for at least 36 months? What if you're not inbusiness-how about reducing or completely wiping out your incometax? It may sound too good to be true, but the answer is YES. Inthis easy-to-use, plain-English book, Robert A. Cooke shows how youcan legally use the tax rules to your advantage. Doing BusinessTax-Free, Second Edition is packed with tax-saving concepts andideas and clear explanations on how to apply them to your ownsituation.
Numerous examples help you understand crucial tax-planningmaneuvers and form a game plan, which, with a little professionalfine-tuning, will alleviate your income tax burden. Plus, you'llsave even more money by learning how to keep professional fees to aminimum and shorten your time in the tax preparer's office.
New to the Second Edition:
* Recomputes examples involving computation of individual incometaxes with year 2000 tax rates
* Features updated sections on S corporations, limited liabilitycompanies, and loss carryovers
* Covers the new, simpler "check-the-box" rules for satisfying IRSrequirements for taxation of a limited liability company
* Guarantees postings of future significant changes to the taxrules regarding S corporations on the author's Web site, you can check for updates as you read thebook
* Includes revised rules for home offices