Dystopian science fiction writer Nicholas Stillman gives you even more of the darkest psychology of the future:
"The Separation"
On the eve of a nuclear war, a stubborn homeowner has one last chance to test his manhood by confronting a bunker monster.
"Not Knowing"
As an urban crime scene fades under snowfall and red tape, a sore loser cyber-detective invents a new brand of deadly karmic justice.
"The Fugitive Theory"
Suicidal spelunkers explore a one-way tunnel for a glimpse of alien fugitives, mankind's new God.
"Harsh Elements"
A manipulative woman scams a jug of gas from the wrong man—a loner who can 3D print any nightmare imaginable.
"The Bridgers"
A fitness trainer must break people's addiction to watching a bridge slowly collapse...a bridge with thousands of cheapskates still crossing it.
Get Dystopian Psych Volume 2 now and see the dreadful direction of humanity.