This paean to Brazilian cuisine contains a rich historical perspective on food origins and extensive background on regional dishes, including recipes. With the bilingual aids provided, navigating market and menu is a breeze.
The second edition of Eat Smart in Brazil comes with a new cover design, as well as an updated resources chapter. In addition, the index has been supplemented with a Portuguese translation for each English entry, making the book more useful for any traveler.
In this edition of Eat Smart
- Tour a variety of Brazilian kitchens to see how cooking styles differ region to region
- Get tips on increasing your savvy in Brazil's outdoor markets and supermarkets
- Learn helpful phrases for use in restaurants, food markets, and more
- Use a comprehensive glossary of ingredients, kitchen utensils, and cooking methods in Portuguese
- Learn to prepare easy recipes:
Camarão na Moranga (Winter squash with shrimp)
Pão de Queijo (Cheese Rolls)
Quindim de Yá-Yá (Young girl's dessert)