Can you be single and truly happy?
"Embracing Singleness is a Biblical, balanced approach to singleness. While espousing benefits of singleness, it also demonstrates a high view of marriage and posits that a productive experience of singleness is actually preparation for a wholesome marriage."
—Dr. Jean Lee, Author, Journey Coach
Many people are acquainted with the pain of singleness but in this book, personal transformation coach C. Ruth Taylor, makes a case for the gift of the single season and how you can be single and happy. Get this book to discover:
Her journey of coming to a place of being single and happy after two broken engagements. The 21 secrets of the fulfilled single woman. How you can maximize and enjoy the season of singleness while it lasts.
Embracing Singleness is a valuable handbook with relatable issues for single persons, no matter what part of their journey they find themselves. It is not just for singles, but for pastors, counsellors and mentors who are concerned for the quality of life of those in their care.
About the Author
Cameka "Ruth" Taylor is an Authorpreneur, international speaker, trained educator and Independent book publisher from the beautiful island of Jamaica. She is the author of the Amazon bestselling book, Design to Win Road Map which plays a vital role in her coaching, mentoring and personal development initiatives. With over 17 years of speaking and travelling experience, in at least 14 countries, Ruth continues to activate, educate and empower thousands of people in Jamaica, countries in the wider Caribbean, Latin America and Africa to win in their personal, professional and spiritual lives.