Lots of naked people engaged in naked people activities!
Many mariners call at the port city of Ismara - not all of them human.
LEAVE - The fleet vanquished the pirates! Now, the sailors want to party - but not all of the girls are human.
INHERITANCE - Katy inherited what she thought was a dockside tavern - but there is more on the Mermaid's menu than booze. Worse, the Mermaid comes with plenty of problems...
MOVING PICTURES - The Mermaid's staff are fascinated by a marvelous machine that brings pictures to life. Katy, though, is more concerned about the surrounding intrigue...
THE SASSY QUEEN - The old saying is 'Sailors have a girl in every port.' The Sassy Queen has an all-female crew.
THE APHRODITE GAMES - Each year, Aphrodite House hosts a sexy competition. This year, several contestants share the same secret and the same hope. But the Aphrodite Games are not what they seem...and neither is Aphrodite...