In the heart of the Yukon, the Glacier Ridge Wildlife Refuge offers safety and warmth for orphaned animals. Esper, a young caribou, has always called it home, relying on the kindness of Dr. Karmen, the wise veterinarian, and Norse, the quirky animal keeper who has a way of talking to animals. But when Esper overhears plans for her release into "the wild," she's shattered. Terrified of the unknown and feeling unloved, Esper sets out on a wintry journey to find the fabled Santa's village, hoping he might give her a home.
Through swirling snow and icy rivers, Esper finds companionship in Drifter, a mischievous Arctic fox, and Echo, a lost orphaned polar bear cub. Together, they face challenges, fears, and a surprising encounter that changes everything Esper thought she knew about herself. When she finally meets Santa, she learns her true purpose-a light for all animals and a surprising new role with Santa's team.
With its heartfelt message and captivating illustrations, Esper Noelle the Christmas Caribou is a magical holiday story about finding courage, friendship, and the inner light that guides us home.
Through enchanting illustrations that bring the wilderness to life, children will be drawn into Esper's adventure, cheering for her as she finds the strength to become Santa's light-bearing Christmas caribou. Perfect for children ages 6-9, Esper Noelle the Christmas Caribou is a warm, festive story for the holiday season.