It is most essential for every Christian to become grounded in the Christian faith. Essentials Simple But Biblical is designed to inform your faith. The material provided is strictly Biblical, not denominational.
Pastor Emery Moss, my former student at Cass Technical High School, has years of experience teaching basic Bible truth. Pastor Robert Anderson likewise is experienced and grounded in the faith "once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). We are instructed by Scripture to "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). This work will teach you where to begin, and how to begin, starting with a focus upon Biblical evidence and Biblical logic.
Though this work is simple, it is not simplistic. No matter whether you are new to faith in Christ, or whether you have been "in the faith" for many years, this resource will introduce you to important principles and facts about the Christian faith you may not have known before. You will gain new insights into what you thought were familiar passages in the Bible, starting with the Gospel of John, chapter One.
Essentials Simple But Biblical is unique in its emphasis upon apologetics--providing solid reasons why faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible as the very divinely inspired written Word of God is grounded in verifiable facts and evidence. It is unique in its extensive coverage of the mistaken views of a number of false cults. You will learn the amazing fact that all of the false cults stumble with the opening words of the Gospel of John. Here also is a thorough Biblical study of the important doctrine of the Trinity.
My advice is get this book! Read this book! Share this book! Teach this book! If you are in ministry, Preach this book! This book can have a significant impact upon those the Lord has placed in your circle of influence. It can and should re-focus the direction and fruitfulness of your own Christian life once you have mastered these Essentials Simple But Biblical!
Jerome H. Smith
Author of The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Nelson's Cross Reference Guide to the Bible, and The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury (Premium Module available for the free e-Sword Bible software program)