Depuis 40 ans, BeCraft oeuvre à la pérennisation des savoir-faire à travers le soutien et la promotion des artistes de Wallonie et de Bruxelles exerçant dans le domaine des arts appliqués contemporains. Une valorisation qui dépasse bien entendu les frontières belges, notamment via le Prix européen des Arts appliqués, pour favoriser l'émulation des arts, confronter les discours, voir autrement, apprendre, transmettre. Transmettre son art, son savoir, sa mémoire. Transmettre pour contrer l'oubli.
For 40 years, BeCraft has been striving to perpetuate craft skills and know-how by supporting and promoting artists working in the field of contemporary applied arts in Wallonia and Brussels. Such events as the European Prize for Applied Arts demonstrate how our promotional work reaches far beyond the borders of Belgium, fostering emulation, cross-fertilization of ideas and ways of seeing, and learning, especially from others... in other words : « transmission » : Passing down the art and know-how of those who have gone before us. Passing down the memories of them so they are not forgotten.