Love is everything, and no one can ever have enough love. Things and stuff are just things and stuff that gather dust and cobwebs in corners. But love never gathers dust and cobwebs in the corners of your heart! See what the elephant has to say about people who seem to have everything and who seem to never really have enough. There is a reason those people never really seem to have enough, and that's because they are simply gathering the wrong things around them . . . things that just gather dust and cobwebs in corners!
Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book is filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme; and it is meant to get you thinking about this very important subject, as you practice reading skills and as you build your reading vocabulary!
Most of all, have fun learning; because if a kid doesn't have fun learning, a kid won't love to learn. When you are finished reading, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!