I lay in bed with no particular motivation, wondering if Marjorie was as bored and eager to add a spark to our sex life as me. It seemed that our life together was no longer about us, but instead, revolved around work, kids, house, college bills, and a whole lot of other things. It struck me that we had become like two old mules in a harness, pulling a wagon day after day, but never looking at each other. I felt sad about that situation. Bucking up my courage, I turned to her. "Marge have you ever thought about us doing something to jazz up our sex life?"
She stared at me with a 'deer in the headlights' look momentarily before answering me. "So, you want me to buy leather underwear, put a mirror over our bed, and start chaining you to the wall?"
"No honey, I'm serious. Does it not seem to you that we're in a rut?"
"Is that where we are Jim? We're 'stale'?"
I reached over and pulled us together. "Look, 'old girl' we've been together for more than twenty-five years and things aren't like they were when we were young."