When Sam discovers that Marveen is in the closet Sam is desperate to prove to her brother Billy that she was not imagining things. To explore where your imagination might take you. Marveen to prove to the children that they aren't dreaming and she lives on Fairies Ice Cove Mountain If she fails to prove that she can't take them on a journey, she must be considered unreal. The journey takes place from an actual mountain near the family home. This mountain turns out to be a special mountain that leads an entire family on a lifetime adventure and lesson.
When the kids' father drives up just as they are taking off with Marveen to Fairies Ice Cove Mountain. The trip is now for the entire family. Sam confides in her parents that a fairy is taking them on a trip. Marveen is touched by her genuine concern for the people having differences and determined to have a lesson of its ok to be different. Young and Old generations can learn from differences.