Poetry is in every aspect of life. The way we speak out loud, and in silence. The way we move, and the way we rest. The way we curse, and the way we meditate. The way we treat one another as human beings during a global crisis, and the way we treat one another on any other "normal" day.
No matter what side you were on, your public, or private opinion on the particular events of 2020, I believe we can all agree parts of us were changed in the most profound, and often similar ways no matter how different we can perceive ourselves to be from one another. How could it not? The very word 'pandemic' from the Greek, pandemos, means, "pertaining to all people; public, common". Our differences are beautiful, not all of them are flaws that must be made completely uniform so that all people loose their uniqueness.
We're all in this world together. Whatever your purpose before or after this fallout, continue to make the time we're all given count for what is good, right, poetic, and beautiful. However brief, and however long, because the truest, yet grandest illusion, and master of deception is time.