Carol Kline, #1 NYT bestselling co-author of five books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series writes:
"Fearless is a must-read for any woman who wants to walk through the world with confidence and serenity. Doughty's vision for self-protection is about stopping violence before it starts and giving women the upper hand if confronted with threats to their safety. This treasure trove of insightful guidance and practical steps allows each woman to design an approach to self-protection that fits her lifestyle. Highly recommended!"
Fearless teaches principles and techniques that can be applied in all situations, that will help readers process the fear of assault in a practical, can-do manner. Knowing that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the threat of violence, Doughty teaches a problem solving mindset that helps readers prepare in advance for the idea that they may need to take charge if a situation becomes chaotic, violent, or simply uncomfortable.
A wonderfully illustrated "Physical Skills" section shows in painstaking detail the most effective strikes and blocks he has encountered, while teaching the process of embedding these moves into muscle memory. A password is included with each copy that enables the reader to access on-line video instruction for each move illustrated.
The "Safer Today" section gets the reader involved in safer living right away by going over changes, tips, and to-do projects that can dramatically increase personal safety and reduce the likelihood of being targeted in the first place.
The foreword is written by Teresa Berry, the executive director of SARA, Inc (Sexual Assault Response and Awareness). Berry gives a thoughtful summary of the issues faced by women in today's society, while offering suggestions backed by over 30 years of experience in helping survivors and their families.
Doughty's approach is simple and practical, and draws on his professional experience as a martial arts instructor, instructor and consultant with MOAB(TM) Training International, and instructor of SABRE's Personal Safety Academy. More than that, however, his personal familiarity with violence is apparent through his candid approach to physical confrontation, and his "avoid at all costs" attitude about fighting.
If you only purchase one book on self-protection and self-defense, this should be it!