While on the rebound from her heated but disastrous fling with her first love, Thomas Darkwater, Sherlyn Drake meets and falls into instant lust with Shane Reddorn, the man who has also captured the interest of a close friend. Things are bound to get messy—soap opera style.
Following two divorces, Shane Reddorn is weary of any woman wanting more than a casual relationship. However, Sherlyn's attempts to steer his attention towards her friend only serves to strengthen his interest in her. The fact that she's fresh off a relationship with a man his brother dislikes only makes her more attractive to him.
After years of denying his feelings and still smarting from the end of a brief but sensual relationship with Sherlyn, Thomas Darkwater has to decide if he'll stand by while she falls for another man or if he's equal to the task of risking his heart and fighting to win back her love and affection.
40,100 wprds
Publisher's Note: Finally is best enjoyed after having read Mature Men: Long, Slow Second Look and Mature Men 2: Living for the Moment.