Not even Hell is as bad as the home Jon Hart grew up inFor the first fifteen years of his life, Jon sat in the fire of Hades in a bid to protect his baby sister from experiencing even a little of what he lived through.
As soon as they were old enough to escape, Jon swore his poisonous bloodline would die out with him.
There's no chick on this planet awful enough to deserve his kind of poison.
But as though the universe isn't yet done hurting him, Casey 'Tink' Irvine sashays into his life with sexy shoes and a sassy 'tude, and for the first time ever, he wishes things could be different.
He can't give her what she wants, what she
needs , but the thought of letting her go is just as impossible.
Friends with benefits can only work for so long, but then what?
This is a story about friends. Lovers. Enemies. Casey is all three and so much more.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I fell in love with the Rollin series from the very start. But even with all the stuff that this family has went through this is the book that ripped my heart out the most. Jon and Tink are explosive whether they are together or apart. The heart wrenching story will rip you heart out and put it back together piece by piece. This is my favorite out of all the books so far. I can not wait for Jack. Highly recommend the whole series
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Oh my word, Emilia Finn! This series immersed me so deeply into the world of the Kincaids and Harts and swallowed me whole. But, Jon's story was the first book in a very very long time that made me cry real tears. My heart soared and crashed through Jon and Tink's story that was so well written. So many laugh-out-loud moments, steamy scenes, heartbreak, and redemption. These characters, more than the others, were so realistic and truly matured throughout their story. Phenomenal writing. I'll definitely re-read this series often
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️It's been a long time since a book has had my heart in my throat the entire time I was reading it. I thought Aiden's story was going to be my favorite. Nope, Jon and Tink hold that honor. You must read this book. Have enough time to sit and finish it when you start. You are not going to want to do anything else until you finish. I have found a new favorite author
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This book absolutely ripped my heart out. Jon, and Tink's story was so much more than I thought it would be!!! A story of two broken people who try so hard to get past their own issues to pick each other up. Emilia Finn has outdone herself with this one!!!!!