The epic tale of the Five Moons continues as the story drops you right into the middle of the action with a gang of interplanetary mobsters hunting down a Special Forces agent in the streets of Habston determined to kill him. It quickly becomes a running gun battle as Dallas Blake and the crew of the Five Moons tries to save him.So, Special Forces formed a plan to hire the Five Moons to secretly deliver their agents to Daggan-7. Their plan would end this business with the interplanetary gangsters once and for all.
The journey began with good intentions, but the alien mysteries of the Five Moons were once more to threaten the crew and strand the ship in dense space. The only clue as to how they would survive was a cryptic error message... but where did it come from or who?
The Five Moons did survive to deliver their Special Forces agents secretly to Daggan -7. The crew of the Five Moons were officially noncombatants in this strike that was to decapitate the interplanetary gang, but there are no noncombatants in a war zone. Dallas Blake soon found himself with no other choice but to rescue his Special Forces agents himself.
Even worse, Dallas found his ship caught up in an even larger scheme to take over Daggan-7 by an old nemesis of Special Forces. It would be touch and go right down the end to get the Five Moons off of Daggan-7 to safety.
However, even that did not work out as planned either. The Five Moons had escaped from the hands of one villain only to encounter one even worse when Dallas Blake runs face-to-face into the woman responsible for the death of his entire family during the war.
The plot of this tale twists and turns as it weaves its way through your mind. Five Moons: Convolute will keep you turning pages right down to the last and leave you questioning your own sanity as you wonder what comes next, but you will find no spoilers here as the plot takes one more turn.