FLIM FLAM is an engaging and witty thriller set in Maine. Scott Decker, a young entrepreneur from the Lewiston area, is murdered in his home, and a trove of gold bars is missing from his wall safe. Scott's former high school sweetheart hires Jesse Thorpe to find out what happened. Witnesses suggest that Scott may have made his fortune in the opioid trade, but his family and closest friends insist that can't be true. Suspects abound, including Scott's ex-wife, his business partner and several associates from a local militia. Jesse's investigation spans six years and takes a number of surprising twists along the way.
This fourth novel in the Jesse Thorpe Mystery Series is yet another delightful and engaging detective story, brimming with lively banter, femme fatales, local charm and quirky situations. Sophisticated readers will appreciate the confluence of forensics, science and droll repartee. And, as usual, Jesse's band of eclectic compadres are there for him when things get dicey.