Madeline Wolfe is a mischievous, mutinous, high-rise (the shortest she’d ever been was ‘tall for her age’) Aussie redhead, who can open beer bottles with her teeth and is on first name terms with every bartender in Bangkok. She’s a woman in control of her life, and no man is ever going to tell her what to do.
So how come she’s ended up twelve thousand miles from home, in rainy London, with no friends, her visa about to expire, with no place to live – oh, yes, and pregnant?
She fell in love with Alexander Drake, that’s how. But she soon realises that Alex goes through the tunnel of love holding his own hand. He also has more secrets than MI5. Alex may not be the man she thought he was, but can she persuade him to be the man she needs him to be – preferably before the baby arrives?