These are the topics that will be covered in this volume called Learning the Universal Language:
You will discover what Universal Law is about, and how you can use these universal laws to guide your daily life. You will see several examples of universal law in action. You will learn about focused healing and what spiritual healing is about. Do you believe spiritual healing works? You will discover some of the quantum language of the Universe, including stuff like The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, quantum tunneling, quantum entanglement and quantum super-position. Are you aware of the many different repetitive patterns in your life? Is numerology reliable? What is the source of crop circles? How does the Golden Ratio relate to your emotions and living a spiritual life? Do you eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil without even being aware of it? What is the Tree of Knowledge about? Do you know why bad things happen to good people? Learn about reincarnation, life scripts and soul contracts. You will also learn about karma and how you can not only attract good as well as not so good karma, but finally rise above the need for karma.