Love paper? Create something beautiful with this interactive book, complete with detachable patterned papers for any creative endeavor, along with projects and fun surprises throughout. It's amazing what you can do with a humble sheet of paper. Whether blank or printed, creased or pristine, it can spark your imagination, help you share a story, and result in something beautiful. Celebrate this versatile medium with
For the Love of Paper, a collection of tear-out pages that will delight and motivate anyone who loves to create. It includes fun patterns from artists around the world, colorful posters, stickers, envelope templates, letter-writing sheets, a paper garland project, and all you need to make some inspired art.
This book comes with the following extras: - 20 postcards
- 8 notecards
- 6 sheets of stickers (including 1 sheet of phone stickers)
- 4 sheets of gift wrap
- 2 sheets of gift tags
- 1 notebook
- 1 easel-backed desk poster
- 5 perforated bookmarks
- 6 detachable posters measuring 71/2 x 10 inches (19 x 25 cm)
- 1 poster measuring 18 x 24 inches (46 x 61 cm)