A mysterious old projector, somehow connected to a poverty row producer from the 1940s, lead young Nick Root and his mentor, Edgar Ulmer, on series of adventures inside the films of a library tucked away in a television station in rural Texas.
Set in 1962, 'A Death in the Dark' is a Southern Gothic/Fantasy set during the golden age of local television utilizing poverty row horror and exploitation films from the 30's, 40's and 50's as life lessons for young Nick Root.
Ulmer introduces Nick to the struggles of making films under the Motion Picture Production Code while Mama Root attempts to keep young Nick shielded from the bohemian life of an independent filmmaker.
Can Nick and Edgar solve the mystery of the haunted projector? Will Willamena Breen, arbiter of all things good and wholesome, shut down the station for broadcasting the old horror films?
Take a stroll down Poverty Row with Nick, Ulmer, and Willamena and find out.