Max Anderson is it detective with a small Police Department that also handled county calls. When he was at the university where he was also a professor hoping to drum up new talent for the police force he received a phone call from his captain stating that he had a new case that he had to work immediately. Max already knew that this wasn't going to be good.
He was known as one of the best in the area and possibly one of the most upcoming detectives in the entire country. He handled and consulted on cases from police precincts all over the United states. So when he was called in personally he knew that something was going on that wasn't going to be good. When he finally got to the scene he realized that the case was going to be a lot harder than he thought. It was the grandchild of his captain who was the victim. She had been murdered without hesitation in one of the most gruesome crime scenes Max had ever been a part of. You didn't necessarily focus on all of those details he wanted to find who did this to one of their own.
The case itself was actually easy to come across the details that he needed to find to be able to close it. It was just putting the pieces together that was going to be the difficult thing for him. However within two days or less than 48 hours he was able to complete the case and have an arrest. Who they actually arrested though was an absolute surprise to everybody.