"All books should have at least one talking cat in them." My friend believed this with all of her heart. After she lost her battle with cancer, I was inspired to write this book to honour her. Based on her quote, it was written from the point of view of the different cats in my life., including 2 chapters about my friend's cats. A funny, heartwarming read, containing tales which may or may not reflect the whole truth ; written in their different voices, to make it authentic, at least in terms of a fictional, humorous memoir,
narrated by cats.
Simba, continually amazed by everything. Rascal, a cool cat with a lot of charisma. Mistletoe wrapped everyone around her little paw. Lucy the quirky queen, and Dude, who had a fan club and loved beer. This group of cats lived legendary lives, and they can't wait for you to read about their adventures!